The SEC has announced a roundtable to discuss how the agency can more effectively oversee the credit rating agencies. On April 15, 2009 at SEC Headquarters (100 F Street NE, Washington, DC), the Commission will assemble leaders from investor organizations, financial services associations, government agencies, credit rating agencies, and academia to engage in a give-and-take discussion of the recent 10-month examination of rating agencies, as well as the pending proposals before the Commission on regulation of Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations ("NRSROs").
A listing of roundtable panelists and a full agenda are available at
The event will be open to the public, and webcast via the SEC's website. The roundtable will consist of four panels that will discuss issues related to recent SEC NRSRO rulemaking initiatives, such as conflicts of interest, competition, and transparency.
The SEC's press release about this event is available at:
The SEC's press release about this event is available at:
A listing of roundtable panelists and a full agenda are available at